Showing 26 - 50 of 990 Results
Complete Poetical Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti by Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, Ro... ISBN: 9781171893646 List Price: $48.75
Life and Writings of John Keats by Rossetti, William Michael ISBN: 9781176785472 List Price: $26.75
Poetical Works Edited, with a Critical Memoir by Milton, John, Rossetti, Wil... ISBN: 9781176840263 List Price: $39.75
Shelley's Prometheus Unbound; a Study of Its Meaning and Personages; Being a Lecture Deliver... by Rossetti, William Michael ISBN: 9781176981683 List Price: $16.75
Dante and His Convito, a Study with Translations by Rossetti, William Michael ISBN: 9781177152242 List Price: $20.75
Family Letters of Christina Georgina Rossetti : With some supplementary letters and Appendices by Rossetti, Christina Georgin... ISBN: 9781177158862 List Price: $28.75
Dante Gabriel Rossetti As Designer and Writer by Rossetti, William Michael ISBN: 9781177172509 List Price: $30.75
Shadow of Dante, Being an Essay Towards Studying Himself, His World and His Pilgrimage; by Rossetti, Maria Francesca, ... ISBN: 9781177201933 List Price: $30.75
Dwale Bluth, Hebditch's Legacy, and Other Literary Remains of Oliver Madox Brown Edited by W... by Brown, Oliver Madox, Rosset... ISBN: 9781177269049 List Price: $29.75
Poetical Works of Thomas Hood; Ed with a Critical Memoir by Hood, Thomas, Rossetti, Wil... ISBN: 9781177278096 List Price: $36.75
Poems with Illus from His Own Pictures and Designs Edited with an Introd and Notes by W M Ro... by Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, Ro... ISBN: 9781177289009 List Price: $29.75
Poetical Works Edited, with a Critical Memoir by Thomson, James, Rossetti, W... ISBN: 9781177355377 List Price: $41.75
Poetical Works of Robert Burns by Burns, Robert, Rossetti, Wi... ISBN: 9781177411493 List Price: $44.75
Poems with Illus from His Own Pictures and Designs Edited with an Introd and Notes by W M Ro... by Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, Ro... ISBN: 9781177566223 List Price: $28.75
Poetical Works of Henry W Longfellow by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth... ISBN: 9781177549981 List Price: $33.75
Diary, 1816, Relating to Byron, Shelley, etc Edited and Elucidated by William Michael Rossetti by Polidori, John William, Ros... ISBN: 9781177609890 List Price: $26.75
Family Letters of Christina Georgina Rossetti with Some Supplementary Letters and Appendices by Rossetti, Christina Georgin... ISBN: 9781177741071 List Price: $29.75
Dante Gabriel Rossetti; His Family-Letters, with a Memoir by William Michael Rossetti by Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, Ro... ISBN: 9781177789172 List Price: $38.75
History of Italian Literature 1265-1907 by Flamini, Francesco, O'Conno... ISBN: 9781166481605 List Price: $27.96
History of Italian Literature 1265-1907 by Flamini, Francesco, O'Conno... ISBN: 9781166538439 List Price: $39.96
Bibliography of the Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti by Rossetti, William Michael ISBN: 9781166561840 List Price: $13.56
Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and His Circle : Cheyne Walk Life (1904) by Dunn, Henry Treffry, Pedric... ISBN: 9781166943233 List Price: $15.96
Queen Elizabeth's Academy : A Book of Precedence, the Ordering of A Funeral, Etc by Furnivall, Frederick James,... ISBN: 9781166998028 List Price: $24.76
Dwale Bluth V1 : Hebditch's Legacy and Other Literary Remains of Oliver Madox-Brown (1876) by Madox-Brown, Oliver, Rosset... ISBN: 9781167048319 List Price: $23.16
Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti and His Circle : Cheyne Walk Life (1904) by Dunn, Henry Treffry, Pedric... ISBN: 9781167054266 List Price: $27.96
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